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Puffy Sleep Survey

Take a closer look at how America is sleeping in 2020.
This nationwide survey explores good habits (and bad ones) as well as links between sleep quality, working from home, and well-being during the pandemic.

Sleep Survey Insights At A Glance

The majority of respondents surveyed report that they are having worse sleep in 2020.
Of people are
sleeping worse
Poor sleeping habits and additional stress factors relating to work are the leading contributors to reduced sleep quality.
Sleeping later
Have more work stress
Have a worse mood due to less sleep
Financial and workplace stress is having an impact on productivity levels.
Stressed about job security
Stressed about finances
Less productive at work

The Survey Respondents

We surveyed 4,400 sleepers from all 50 states to find out about their current sleeping habits.
The respondents come from age demographics between 18 to 65+ years. 73% of the people surveyed are female, and 27% are male.
Have at least one child
Are employed
Respondents Graph - Puffy Icon
Total Respondents

State Of Sleep In 2020

59% of respondents claim to be getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night, far below the recommended average.*
Interestingly, 40% of males surveyed responded with high sleep satisfaction scores, but only 26% of women report sleep satisfaction.
Low sleep satisfaction amongst women correlates with other sleep habits of female respondents. 51% of women take more than 30 minutes to fall asleep, 73% of women wake up often, and 48% stay awake for more than 15 minutes.
According to our data, young parents have been some of the worst sleepers in the country since the pandemic began, registering just a 22% sleep satisfaction score with over 65% claiming to get less than 6 hours sleep per night.
Satisfied with sleep
Average hours of sleep
Take 30 minutes or less to sleep
Wake up often during the night
26% 40%
5-7 hours
4-6 hours
26% 40%
Male Female
Satisfied with sleep 40% 26%
Average hours of sleep 5-7 hours 4-6 hours
Take 30 minutes or less to sleep 67% 49%
Wake up often during the night 63% 73%

Which States Have Been Most Affected?

Ohio records the lowest sleep satisfaction score of only 23% over the past 6 months. The state of Ohio also has the highest number of people who wake up during the night, with 73% of residents reporting sleep interruptions.
Other states with low sleep satisfaction scores include Illinois (24%), New York (24%), and Michigan (25%).
California has the highest sleep satisfaction score with 37% of respondents reporting a positive sleep quality. Californians also fall asleep the fastest, with 60% suggesting they fall asleep in 30 minutes or less.
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Sleep Satisfaction
Hours Of
37% 6.3
North Carolina
35% 6.4
33% 6.3
31% 6.1
30% 6.2
Sleep Satisfaction
Hours Of
30% 6.2
25% 6.0
New York
24% 6.0
24% 6.0
23% 5.9

Impact Of Working From Home

Despite the majority of people preferring working from home (74%), on average, respondents report sleeping less, sleeping later, and stressing more.
This data is not surprising, considering the uncertainty and stress caused by COVID-19.
Across all demographics, on average 82% of all respondents are going to sleep later since working from home. Only 36% of all respondents claim they are getting better sleep, and 57% are more stressed since their homes also became the office.
Despite a reduction in sleep quality and increase in stress, 63% of respondents feel they are more productive when working from home.
Prefer working from home
74% Yes
26% No
63% More
37% Less
Sleep satisfaction
36% Better
64% Worse
Bed time
18% Earlier
82% Later
Working from home
Working from home
"Now that our offices are based in our lounges, bedrooms and home offices, that temptation to send just one more email, or just check one more thing can become invasive and create added levels of stress and anxiety — in what is already a stressful and anxiety provoking situation."

The Impact Of Poor Sleep On Mental Health

It is evident that poor sleep has a significant impact upon mood and stress.
An average of 71% of respondents state poor sleep has impacted their mood a lot. Females feel the impact of poor sleep on their mood more than men, with 82% of women reporting a link between mood and sleep dissatisfaction.
71% of respondents cite job security is the leading factor contributing to sleeplessness. Worry about finances is also keeping people up at night. 66% of people surveyed agree that current stress is related to money.
The 18 - 24 age group is least worried about job security (58%). Respondents aged between 45 and 54 are the most worried about their job (76%).
Mood and sleep dissatisfaction (Women) 82%
Job security 71%
Money or finances 66%
“Sleep loss affected more people during the first four weeks of the Covid-19 related lockdown than it did before. This reflects stress levels due to anxieties about health, financial consequences, changes in social life and the daily routine, all of which may affect sleep.”

Life Since Lockdown

While working from home, on average, most people worked from a home office. But others barely left the bed.
36% of respondents worked in a home office. 46% of home office dwellers were older parents. 28% of respondents worked in the bedroom. 31% of bedroom office workers were single.
While at home, most spent their time practicing cooking skills (37%), but reading (20%), redecorating (19%), and working out (16%) were also popular activities. The least amount of time was spent socializing (8%), which is not surprising.
Worked in home office
Worked in bedroom
Worked in living room
Worked in dining room
Work From Home Graph - Puffy Icon
Practicing cooking skills
Working out
Puffy Work From Home Graph
"I live in a small house without a dedicated area for work. So being able to clearly differentiate between 'work time' and 'home time' has been vital to help protect my space - and my sanity."

What Does This Mean For America?

Based on the data collected, it’s evident that the shift in working conditions and additional stress factors relating to COVID-19 is resulting in poor sleep.
Sleep is at the heart of mental and physical health and it’s clear many people are struggling to maintain a consistent sleep routine. While the majority of survey respondents prefer working from home, 61% still report sleeping worse.
Young adults have been the most affected, with 46% feeling less productive at home, and 38% missing the traditional workplace. Older adults are the most responsive to working from home conditions with high productivity (69%). Interestingly, older adults are also the group with the largest proportion of home offices.
What the data reveals is that lifestyle factors, and working arrangements within the home, can play a significant role in both productivity and sleep patterns. As more workplaces head in the direction of long-term remote working, it’s clear that creating boundaries between work and rest will be a crucial step to improve sleep quality and mental health.